Introducing Zoho Sign's integration with Zapier

Zoho Sign integrates with Zapier

At Zoho Sign, our list of integrations is constantly growing. We'd love to see Zoho Sign integrated with any application that helps you run your business on a daily basis, especially if it helps you get your paperwork signed in an easier, quicker, and more convenient manner.

Keeping in line with this notion, we've added a huge feather to our cap of integrations. We are excited to announce that Zoho Sign is now available for use inside the popular and powerful integration platform Zapier! That's right, you can now connect Zoho Sign with 1500+ external web applications via Zapier to generate documents, collect signatures, and do much more using automated workflows.

The primary advantage of using a digital signature application like Zoho Sign is that you can massively reduce the paperwork processing time and associated administrative costs by going paperless with e-signatures and digital sign workflows. However, whenever a piece of paperwork is completed or needs to be initiated, there are other engagements that precede this or serve as follow-ups that complete the business operations cycle. Be it sending an email, setting up a task for your agents, getting additional documents signed, creating bookkeeping records, or processing payment, all of these require manual intervention.

With Zoho Sign + Zapier, you can easily build zaps that help you automate these tasks by connecting your digital applications. This can, therefore, reduce your overall business processing time and boost your productivity.

What's a Zap?

A zap is an integration, or a workflow, created using Zapier between two or more applications that automates a series of actions (tasks or functions) based on conditions known as triggers. For example: Whenever a new lead gets added to your CRM, it can trigger a document to be sent to them for signature from Zoho Sign.

To start creating zaps with your favorite apps using Zoho Sign's predefined triggers and actions, you just need to add and authorize Zoho Sign in your Zapier account.

What's a trigger?

A trigger is an event-based condition that, when satisfied, carries out one or more actions. When creating a zap in Zapier, you can choose from the list of triggers supported by your application. Zoho Sign supports five triggers based on document interactions within Zapier — document completed, signed, declined, recalled, and expired. Hence, you can establish follow-up actions within other applications when one of these events take place in Zoho Sign.

What are actions?

Like we mentioned earlier, actions are tasks or functions carried out by one or more of the applications as a part of the zap when the trigger condition is satisfied. At the moment, Zoho Sign supports one action, and that is to send out a pre-filled document template for signature based on the condition fed by a trigger.

How do I start using Zoho Sign with Zapier?

The integration is immediately available for all Zoho Sign customers to set up and use. Just visit our integration page on the Zapier website and connect your Zapier and Zoho Sign accounts to start using it.

Do I need coding knowledge to understand and use this integration?

You need absolutely NO coding knowledge to start using this integration, and therein lies its advantage. All you need is to set up a zap by choosing the applications you want to connect with Zoho Sign and configuring the trigger and the action. Once the zap has been set up, tested, and enabled, all the operations will be taken care of in the backend by Zapier and the apps themselves, and you can go about your usual business.

So, don't wait! Start using this integration today and build zaps with your favorite applications. If you are not a Zoho Sign customer, you can head over to and sign up for a free 14-day enterprise trial. For any feedback or queries you may have, feel free to write to us at support(at)zohosign(dot)com.

Happy Signing!


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